Land Use Bylaw - Updates

Notice of Public Hearing - Land Use Bylaw
The Summer Village of Kapasiwin Council hereby gives notice of its intention to consider proposed Bylaw No. 280-2024, the Summer Village of Kapasiwin Land Use Bylaw, as amended.

The purpose of the Bylaw is to repeal and replace the Summer Village’s existing Land Use Bylaw (Bylaw No. 242), as amended. The Land Use Bylaw is the primary regulatory document for the development of lands within the Summer Village; the adoption of a Land Use Bylaw is a requirement of all municipalities in the Municipal Government Act.

MANY CHANGES have been made to the proposed Land Use Bylaw which may affect some individuals. These changes to the Land Use Bylaw can be viewed in the document attached.

The Municipal Government Act requires that a public hearing on a proposed bylaw must be held before the second reading of the bylaw.
First reading of proposed Bylaw No. 280-2024 is scheduled to occur prior to the public hearing on Saturday, July 20, 2024, 11:00 AM @ Kapasiwin Comkunity Hall.

Anyone wishing to make a verbal and/or written presentation may do so at the public hearing. All persons wishing to make a presentation at the hearing will be provided the opportunity. It would be beneficial for individuals to provide advance notice to Brad MacDonald (contact information provided below) of their intention to make a presentation at the hearing before Wednesday, July 17, 2024, at 4:00 PM.

To obtain more information regarding the proposed Land Use Bylaw, please contact:
Brad MacDonald,
Planner Municipal Planning Services 7

780.486.1991 |

Land Use Bylaw Review - What We Heard Report
May 22, 2024

This What We Heard Report summarizes the feedback provided by Summer Village of Kapasiwin residents, stakeholders, referral agencies, and adjacent municipalities on the draft Land Use Bylaw (LUB). The Summer Village of Kapasiwin held a virtual Public Open House on July 13, 2023.

The Open House was an opportunity for residents to learn about the draft LUB and how proposed changes to the Bylaw might impact development regulations and processes within the community. Following the Open House, residents were provided an opportunity to submit comments and questions to MPS. In August 2023, MPS circulated the draft LUB to adjacent municipalities, First Nations, and agencies. Sixteen (16) referral agencies were provided written notice of the bylaw and invited to comment on the draft.
A full list of the adjacent jurisdictions and agencies notified in the circulation is provided in Appendix A.

The feedback received through engagement and circulation of the draft LUB has been generally positive and the questions and comments received were carefully reviewed and considered by Council who then directed the project consultant to make revisions to the document.

The next step in the process will be for Council to give consideration to the first reading of the revised LUB, including the revisions identified in this report. The revised LUB and a copy of this report will be made available to the community for review before consideration of the first reading of the bylaw on the Summer Village of Kapasiwin website.

Read the formal documents as they are released, here:

•   DRAFT Land Use Bylaw - Kapasiwin - 2023-06-16

•   Summary of Changes - Kapasiwin Land Use Bylaw - 2023-07-05


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